
Aparat de etichetat Dymo LabelManager 420P DY915440

SKU: DY915440 Categorie: Etichetă:

DY915440 DYMO LabelManager 420P

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Aparat de etichetat Dymo LabelManager 420P DY915440

Display: Large 4-line backlit display
Keyboard: ABC
Label customization options: 8 font styles, 7 font sizes, 10 text styles, 8 box styles – plus underline
Labels: 6 mm, 9 mm, 12 mm, 19 mm
Memory: Last label memory, 9-label memory
Power: Lithium-ion battery included, Auto-off power saver,
PC connectivity
Dimensions: L 215 mm x W 111 mm x H 57 mm
Weight (Printer and battery): 500 gr

Package contents:
Package includes LabelManager™ 420P label maker, lithium-ion battery pack,
charging adaptor,
starter D1 label cassette,
USB cable,
quick start guide and warranty.




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