
Scaner Portabil Honeywell 8680i 8680I200-2

Honeywell Partner

Honeywell 8680i 8680I200-2 – Scaner inel, 2D, imager, display, Bluetooth (clasa 4.1), clasa de protectie: IP54, incl.: baterie, extins, comanda separat: suport de incarcare, culoare: negru

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Stoc Local: 1
Livrare rapidă în 1-2 zile
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MRSP: 1,200.14
AutoID: 731.50

4.310,18 lei TVA Inclus

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Scaner Portabil Honeywell 8680i 8680I200-2

Scanerul portabil Honeywell 8680i 8680I200-2 este un dispozitiv miniatural proiectat pentru citirea codurilor de bare intr-o varietate de aplicatii. Iata cateva detalii despre acest scaner:

Caracteristici si Specificatii:

  • Tehnologie de Scanare: Scanerul utilizeaza tehnologia de scanare 2D, ceea ce inseamna ca poate citi si decoda o gama larga de coduri de bare 1D si 2D, inclusiv coduri QR si coduri de bare de pe ecranele dispozitivelor mobile.
  • Display Integrat: Scanerul dispune de un display integrat, ceea ce permite operatorului sa vada informatii utile si feedback direct pe dispozitiv.
  • Conectivitate Bluetooth: Acest scaner are capacitate Bluetooth (clasa 4.1), permitandu-va sa il conectati la dispozitive mobile sau alte dispozitive compatibile cu Bluetooth pentru transmiterea datelor.
  • Clasa de Protectie IP54: Scanerul are o clasa de protectie IP54, ceea ce inseamna ca este rezistent la praf si la stropirea apei, facandu-l potrivit pentru utilizarea in medii mai dificile.
  • Baterie Inclusa: Scanerul vine cu o baterie inclusa, care poate fi incarcata pentru utilizare mobila.
  • Accesorii Suplimentare (comandate separat): Pentru a completa configuratia, puteti comanda separat un suport de incarcare.

Scanerul portabil Honeywell 8680i este conceput pentru utilizare mobila si este potrivit pentru o gama variata de aplicatii, inclusiv in retail, depozite si logistica. Cu tehnologia sa de scanare 2D si conectivitatea Bluetooth, acest scaner poate ajuta la eficientizarea proceselor de scanare a codurilor de bare si la transmiterea datelor catre alte dispozitive. Accesoriile suplimentare pot fi achizitionate separat pentru a completa configurarea scanerului.

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Scaner Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Miniatural Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Coduri De Bare Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Cititor Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,8680I200-2
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3.981,74 lei TVA Inclus
Filtre Sorteaza
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Scaner Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Miniatural Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Coduri De Bare Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Cititor Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,8680I200-2
1.802,85 lei TVA Inclus
Filtre Sorteaza
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Scaner Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Miniatural Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Coduri De Bare Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Cititor Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,8680I200-2
8680I Edge Service Gold 5-Day Depot Nou contract pe 5…
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Scaner Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Miniatural Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Coduri De Bare Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Cititor Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,8680I200-2
AddOn Edge Service Advanced Exchange Scanner 3 ani Rezerva de…
291,55 lei TVA Inclus
Scaner Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Miniatural Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Coduri De Bare Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Cititor Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,8680I200-2
8680I Edge Service Platinum 2 zile 1 an reinnoire
833,00 lei TVA Inclus
Scaner Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Miniatural Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Coduri De Bare Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Cititor Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,8680I200-2
AddOn Edge Service Advanced Exchange Scanner 5 ani Rezerva de…
521,22 lei TVA Inclus
Scaner Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Miniatural Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Coduri De Bare Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Cititor Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,8680I200-2
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Preț la cerere

Scaner Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Miniatural Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Coduri De Bare Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Cititor Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,8680I200-2
8680I Edge Service Platinum 2 zile 3 ani Contract nou
1.510,11 lei TVA Inclus
Scaner Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Miniatural Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Coduri De Bare Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Cititor Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,8680I200-2
AddOn Edge Service 2-Day Depot Upgrade Acord de 1 an…
132,09 lei TVA Inclus
Scaner Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Miniatural Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Coduri De Bare Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Cititor Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,8680I200-2
8680I Edge Service Platinum 2 zile 5 ani Contract nou

Preț la cerere

Scaner Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Miniatural Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Coduri De Bare Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Cititor Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,8680I200-2
AddOn Edge Service 2-Day Depot Upgrade Acord de 3 ani…
397,46 lei TVA Inclus
Scaner Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Miniatural Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Coduri De Bare Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Cititor Portabil Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Scaner Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,Honeywell 8680I 8680I200-2,8680I200-2
AddOn Edge Service Accesoriii Service Scanner 3 ani
52,36 lei TVA Inclus




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